Clovers daytime adventures

Clover distracting me from workWith the New Year, I’ve made some changes in my life. Not surprising to hear, given most people have some New Year Resolution or another. I wouldn’t say mine were at all motivated by the New Year, however. More that, because I took some vacation around Christmas, I was able to notice some things that, because I was working constantly, I had been ignorant of.

Clover had slowly become more and more bratty since I started my new job in November. It was slow & gradual, at first hardly even noticeable, but over Christmas, I realized I had a problem. It was beyond toddler “all about me” or teenage “rebellion”. She wasn’t listening when I told her to do things. (Sit, Stay, Come, No.) She was beginning to play very rough (actually ripped open my Dad’s hand, and my nose on two separate occasions.) Both of these developments meant that I didn’t trust her in public, and meant I no longer wanted to play with her, cause it hurt. Continue reading

New Years Marathon, and a Review

Planet of the Apes Film Posters

I have this somewhat odd, and some might say questionable, New Years tradition.  It started a few years ago, my first Dec 31/Jan 1 living alone, with no friends nearby (college).  AMC was marathoning The Planet of the Apes series, the one from the late 60’s-early 70’s.  I don’t think I’d ever seen them, and yet, I fell in love with them.  I watched them through the countdown and into the wee hours of the morning.  I’d never really had a tradition for New Years before, and I enjoyed that night, so, it stuck.  Fast forward a few years to now, and I’m still doing it, in one fashion or another.  This year, I ended up watching it New Years Day cause I fell asleep early on New Years Eve.

If you’ve never seen the originals, or if you’ve only seen the 2001 remake, or the 2010’s reboot, I encourage you to see what started it all.  Of course, any film from the 1970’s will seem a bit rough around the edges when compared to a new movie, but there’s something really great about them. Continue reading